F.A.M.E. 是什么?

嗨!欢迎关注我们的多生态创作与实践项目 F.A.M.E.!

F.A.M.E. 旨在为创作领域中的女性 (female)、持不同价值观者 (alternative) 和少数群体 (minority) 赋予能量 (empowerment)。通过调研、分享、联结、学习和资源交换,我们致力于探索突破单一的文化产业环境和圈层价值观,构建多生态的创作环境。


创作,应当是最具多元性和开放性的活动。不过长期以来,由于我们的社会条件、资源、性别等方面的不平衡,使创作者的 “生态环境” 和 “成功路径” 相对单一,如果不遵循某一类既定的道路,就会面临着种种挑战:发展空间不够、机会不多、人脉不广、没有决定权和话语权、缺乏同行和普遍社会的认可,等等……








欢迎与我们交流,或志愿加入我们!F.A.M.E. 目前是一个开放性的自发项目,我们希望更多的人能够参与和受益。

Hey, thanks for your attention to our project!

F.A.M.E. is a collective practice dedicated to females, alternatives and minorities empowerment among creatives. We strive to explore and build diversified environment for creatives by researching, sharing, connecting, studying & resource exchanging.

It is our belief that…

creative work feeds on diversity and openness. But, for a long time, gender imbalance and social resoures disparity have been nurturing a monotonous cultural and industrial environment with simplified “success patterns” and narrow paths for creatives to follow.

But just like the nature, where multiple eco-systems coexist, there should be other ways for creatives to realize their value. These alternative creative eco-systems should have their own dynamics, i.e., self-consistent development paths, ways of collecting and exchanging resources, evaluation approaches, publicity channels, and so on. People don’t need to simulate the mainstream success if they can’t identify with it, but they can follow other paths to thrive.

We pay attention to creatives…

who tend to be underrepresented, including but not limited to designers, artists, architects, writers, photographers, craftsmen, curators, and musicians, as long as creative work is their major approach to self realization.

Our practices include…

sharing inspiring examples and information via investigation and conversations; identifying challenges and explore possiblity of making changes; connecting with the creative community to help each other to grow.

If you share our concern, …

connect with us or join us as a volunteer! F.A.M.E. is a self-initiated project open to as many contributors as possible to participate and benefit from it.

正在参与 F.A.M.E. 项目的成员们

  • Mira Ying 平面设计师/文字设计研究者/编辑/译者 ?上海
  • Rex Chen 平面、交互设计师?伦敦
  • Yimeng Wu 艺术家/跨文化设计/Studio Wu 艺术总监 ?柏林
  • Peiran Tan 平面、交互设计师/设计史研究者 ?亚特兰大
  • Joy Chen 平面、用户体验设计师 ?北京


  • Lynn 摄影师 ?上海
  • Yan 设计师 ?北京
  • Mian 城市观察者,行业联结者 ?上海

F.A.M.E. 为 The Type 旗下项目。The Type 关注沟通设计与视觉文化。Logo 和视觉形象由 Studio Wu 创作。



Currently on F.A.M.E. project team …

  • Mira Ying, graphic designer / typography researcher / editor / translator, based in Shanghai
  • Rex Chen, graphic designer / interaction designer, based in London
  • Yimeng Wu, artist / transcultural designer / art director of Studio Wu, based in Berlin
  • Peiran Tan, graphic designer / interaction designer / design history researcher, based in Atlanta
  • Joy Chen, graphic designer / UX designer, based in Beijing

Currently supporting our projects …

  • Lynn, photographer, Shanghai
  • Yan, designer, Beijing
  • Mian, urban observer / industry connector, Shanghai

F.A.M.E. is a project under The Type, a media project about communication design and visual culture. Logo and visual identity designed by Studio Wu.

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